Sensitivity Readings

As a sensitivity reader, Camille will address any inauthentic, stereotypical, and/or potentially offensive material in your manuscript (fiction or non-fiction), article, ad, script, or other writing work, based on her areas of expertise.

Her sensitivity reads do not include editing or proofreading.

Areas of Expertise

Caribbean identities and culture, Caribbean language and code-switching, Caribbean diasporic identities and culture, Caribbean history, Caribbean literature, Caribbean religions, African Traditional Religions (Santeria/Lukumi/Candomble/Orisha, Vodou, Palo Monte, Shango Baptist/Spiritual Baptist), mixed race/multiracial identity, second generation identity, transnational identity,  racism (especially Canadian), colonialism, neocolonialism, anti-colonialism, anti-racism, anti-Black racism, colourism/shadeism, race and colour in the Caribbean, DEI/EDI/JEDI consulting and training, single parenthood, gender-based violence, domestic violence, living as a racialized person in Canada, living as a diasporic Caribbean person in the Caribbean, working in academia as a racialized woman, Canadian university culture.


“As an editor who worked with Camille on her recently published short story collection, I was astounded by her breadth of wisdom, wealth of knowledge, and sincere commitment to ethical representations in literature. A seasoned academic and brilliant mind, Camille’s valuable insight would be a gift to your manuscript” - Julie Mannell, Canadian prose and poetry author, editor and professor of creative writing.

To discuss a project and get an estimate please contact Camille.